Corner Stacks, 2024. Bricks, wool, and St John’s wort.

LOOK AT THIS!, 2024. Found concrete and wire, wool, St John’s wort, a lesser St John’s wort beetle, a whitecap limpet, wood, styrofoam, a broken sand dollar, California mussel shells, cottonwood seeds, and an agate.

Shoreline, 2024. Canada utility bricks, wool, twinberry honeysuckle, and Pacific razor clam shells.

Craftool, ROS, 2024. Wool, cochineal, and found metal tool.

Weight of Work, 2024. Wool, cochineal, mortar, and Chicago Common bricks.

The Alchemy, 2024. Wool, cochineal, and a fire brick from a retired soda kiln.

Standard, 2023. Wool, cochineal, and a flush valve from a 1956 American Standard corallin pink toilet.

Bunny, 2023. Wool, marigold, and found metal.

Cake cake cake, 2023. Wool, cochineal, and fire bricks.

Pizza and Beignets, 2023. Wool, logwood, and Chicago Common bricks.

Untitled, 2023. Wool, cochineal, and found metal.

Untitled, 2023. Wool, logwood, and found metal.

Untitled, 2023. Wool, logwood, and a fire brick.

Untitled, 2023. Wool, marigold, and fire bricks.

The Artist Tooth, extracted in 2010. Wisdom tooth.